
Sick sick sick

I have lots to write but have been stricken (yes, stricken!) with a flu that may or may not be mono which I believed only kissy teenagers got because I like things to be simple that way.

So, just a thought for now. The 300 millionth person has been born. Just the other day Brian and I were watching the CBS Sunday morning news and they talked about the 200 millionth person and how when he was born Life magazine came and did a special piece on him and everything. Well, come to find out that this guy was born a mere 3 days after I was. I could have been in Life! And I was born early...so, okay, not 3 days early but still! Life magazine!!

It's the ibuprofan talking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are sick. Hope you feel better soon. : )