
Mmmmm Movies…

How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? Past year? I’ve been once, to see Happy Feet. I hated it and wrote about it here. But tonight we are taking my stepson to The Simpsons Movie and I am as happy as a leetle girl.

My relationship with movies is kind of odd. In high school and maybe during parts of college I saw a lot of movies. There isn’t much else to do out and about when you’re that age. It’s not like I was INTO them but every time one came out that I wanted to see, I pretty well know that I’d see it.

Nowadays, I never see them unless we get a DVD and watch it at home on a Friday or Saturday night. And even this is rare. I usually save weekends for catching up on Reality TV.

So, in the past…hrm…maybe seven years or so I have hardly seen anything. Often, the Russian at work will talk about movies, relating to me funny scenes from this or that movie. And he’ll never remember the name of the movie he wants to discuss, or the stars. I can fill in those details for him but then when he eagerly asks, “did you see it?” I invariably answer, “no”.

But since I don’t see anything, people always want to lend me movies. Don’t. I don’t have time. And when I do, I like a very specific kind of movie, usually involving Christopher Guest or a book I have read (oh-unless you want to loan me Running with Scissors or Little Children…DYING to see those). The Other Russian brought in Hot Shots Part Deux for me after I mentioned that I liked comedies. I have to return them. When I take time to view another film, Charlie Sheen won’t be in it.

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